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How to Choose the Right Color Palette

Color palette set

Of all the processes that go into redecorating a home, choosing a color palette is, hands down, the most daunting. On the one hand, you can end up with a stylish design that adds charm and personality to the space, or it can end in disaster – a horrific mess constantly there to welcome your guests. But it doesn’t have to be like this. There are certain color selection hacks that professional designers use to ensure that it all comes together. With the tips below, you can be a step closer to achieving a color palette that suits your personality and style.

Don’t Underestimate Shades of White

You can never go wrong with certain white shades. Often underrated, white, in its different hues, can blend with almost any color. You can use them on room ceilings to achieve a calm overhead feel or as a background color to highlight artwork or furniture you want to display. Remember, not all white shades are the same. To achieve that simplistic aesthetic, you want to go for a pure shade of white, without the colored undertones.

Match the Colors to the Feeling You Desire in the Room

You’ve probably heard a thing or two about the psychology of color. The idea here, is that color can influence a person’s mood and emotions while in a certain space. Red, for instance, is often associated with energy and power. It has been found to stimulate the mind and body. Blues and greens are soothing, yellow is cheery and uplifting, while orange, depending on its tint, tone, or shade, can be either warm or slightly unpleasant. With this in mind, you can make your color decision based on how you want to use the space and the vibe you are looking to create.

Choose a Proper Finish

Of course, no paint job is truly complete without a nice finish. Like icing on the cake, the finish makes it all look polished and unique. Some finishes also protect your paint from the elements, allowing it to last longer. Therefore, once you settle on the color, carefully consider the type of finish, you’ll be applying. A satin (eggshell) finish can be good for walls. It is easily cleanable and won’t highlight flaws. Semi-gloss and high gloss finishes for your trim to highlight the curves in molding patterns and door panels.

Transform Your Small Spaces Into Bigger Spaces With Color

Color can also be used to manipulate the dimensions and feel of the space. If you are dealing with a small room, you want to lean towards cool, soft tones like light green, off-white and pale blues. By adding some brightness to the space, they create the illusion that the space is bigger and more open than it is. On the other hand, darker colors provide the illusion that surfaces are closer together than they actually are. You can use them as accents for larger spaces. At the same time, you can use color to zone large open spaces in your house. Paint different shades of the same color to separate the living room and the dining room. You are also free to switch between warm and cool colors in their different hues.

Bottom Line

Picking a color is like choosing an outfit for your house. Only, in this case, you’ll likely have to live with it for a long time. To protect your investment, make sure that you consider your options. Better yet, consult our professionals at Painter Bros for a more informed opinion. For years, we’ve been painting and redecorating houses for residents and business owners all over the state. You can rest assured that we know our way around the brush and color selection. If you want that clean, elegant outlook for your home, give us a call today (844) 509-2313 to get your free quote.


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