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What’s Best for My Home? Remodeling or Adding On

Kitchen area with white walls and wood composition

Adding onto your home or remodeling it may sound like the same thing; however, there’s a world of difference between the two. The state of the interiors and exteriors, plus personal preference, should help determine which of the two to go for. So, what do these architectural projects entail? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of remodeling vs. adding on.


Remodeling projects involve a change in the form or the structure of the house – the appearance and the function of the room may differ from before. These works normally involve building permits, carpentry, demolition, drywalling, plumbing, and electrical, among others. Your architect will design the plans, and the contractor you hire will conduct construction.

Pros of Remodeling

  1. It’ll increase the value of your home when you decide to sell. Even less-expensive upgrades like installing new countertops or switching up paint colors may result in a significant payoff at the time of sale.
  2. Getting creative with your living areas will increase your fondness for the house. It portrays to everyone that comes to visit your distinct and refreshing you-ness.
  3. Remodeling works geared towards energy efficiency, such as installing a solar water heater or water-saving equipment, can attract tax advantage opportunities. Authorities encourage homeowners to consider getting these upgrades with the promise of better tax packages.

Cons of Remodeling

  1. Remodeling will take time to complete, especially if you’re conducting a complete do-over. Some works might even need you to look for a temporary living arrangement if you don’t want to alter your daily routine.
  2. Some remodeling projects are costly to complete. Renovating every nook and cranny of your home might be as expensive as buying a new house altogether.
  3. Some buyers may not share your taste in aesthetics and may be put off by a few of your design preferences.

Adding On

A home addition entails adding on to what is already there—for instance, adding another living area or bedroom. The project will require demolition to some extent, but not as much as when remodeling. You’ll require a building permit, contractor, and architect. Depending on the scope of your undertaking, you’ll also likely need to call on the services of a plumber and electrician. To undo this project is difficult and expensive, so you need to know what you’re getting into. Analyzing the benefits and drawbacks will aid you in making the correct decision.

Pros of Adding On

  1. The most obvious benefit of adding on to your home is increasing the overall square footage of your property.
  2. It offers a decent high cost-to-value ratio. Home Advisor reveals that at the minimum, 65 percent of the expenses involved when making a mid-range two-story addition can be gotten back when selling.
  3. While remodeling entails sprucing up rooms, addition involves developing new structures. It’s creating a space that’s uniquely yours from a blank slate.

Cons of Adding On

  1. Although additions have a greater potential for high cost-benefit ratios compared to other renovation undertakings, you may still fail to recover the entire expense of the addition(s) when selling. Increased peripheral costs that come with the new addition, such as cooling and heating bills, more gutters to clean, more windows to wipe, and higher property taxes, are responsible for this.
  2. If you’re not constructing vertically or adding a second story to the home, you’ll likely lose yard space with the new addition.
  3. Building an addition is emotionally taxing. Having workers over six days a week, always cleaning up after work is done, the lack of privacy, and dealing with constant construction noise may get on your nerves after some time.


Your home should be your pride and joy. It should be stylish and beautiful but also serve utilitarian purposes besides this. If you’ve decided on either remodeling or adding on, you’ll need to get the all-clear from the city after checking your local zoning laws to ensure your project won’t exceed certain limits requiring an extensive approval process. Yet, you don’t have to go through all this hassle yourself. Painter Bros has been transforming homes and bringing our clients’ visions to life for a long time. Call the professionals about your project today (407) 743-6745!


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