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Steps Everyone Should Follow When Remodeling

Remodeling projects

People put off necessary or desired remodeling projects for years — and for good reason. Not only do remodels consume a lot of your time, but they are notoriously costly. To complete a project successfully without burning a hole in your pockets, it is crucial that you plan out every detail of your project.

As with many projects, a successful remodel begins with establishing expectations, the desired output, and your goals. Are upgrading your home to increase its market value before a sale? Or are you planning to stay in it for a long time? And if so, what do you need to change to feel more comfortable in your own home?

If you have no clue where to begin, this article is for you. In our remodeling checklist below, we shall go over all the fundamental processes you should follow.

Make a Strategy

Before anything, you want to start by assessing your renovation goals and prioritizing them. This mainly involves determining which areas most need an upgrade, when to begin, and ensuring that you have the time and resources necessary to complete the project.

Ultimately, you should have on hand a final approximate figure for how much you want to spend on this project. It will help you determine what to leave out to make the budget work.

Obtain Permits

Many homeowners view acquiring a building permit as an unneeded hassle that will slow down the renovation process. But in reality, licenses are a vital part of the process.

Some of these permits are legally required to verify that your home remodel complies with architectural and fire safety regulations. If you skip this process, you might be liable for fines in the future.

Certain neighborhoods or communities also have their own rules for what kind of exterior and interior remodeling projects you can complete. Be sure to follow any regulations where you live to prevent your neighborhood from using legal remedies to halt your project in its tracks.

Demolish the Old

It’s impossible to put up something new without ripping down what already exists! Demolition can range from merely removing old furnishings and ripping down a few walls to a complete gut. In this case, you’ll have to remove everything except vital structural elements and your outside walls.

Once more, always have a clear idea of what you want to be replaced and what should be left as is.

Install any Necessary Plumbing, Electrical, or HVAC Systems

Now that the walls and ceiling are exposed, there are critical services that must be established.

If your project involves installing electrical, plumbing, or other critical systems like HVAC, this is when you do it. Usually, this would involve breaking into and opening up your wall or drywalls. This way, you can easily install ducts for central heating and air conditioning.

Thereafter, any electricians and plumbers you hire can easily install the electrical and plumbing systems.

Install and Paint Your Floor

This step can go one out of two ways. One option you have is to install the floor first, then paint the floor and walls.

Or, you can prime and paint the walls before installing the floor. This helps prevent staining or spilling paint on the new floor. Usually, the order in which this step is completed depends on the scheduling requirements of your contractor.

Install the Cabinetry

At this stage, any fixture that you want to install inside your house should be set up. This includes everything from cabinets and fixtures for the kitchen and bathroom. This stage is where you start to see all the efforts of your remodeling project create the final product.

Finishing Touches

It’s time to finish up with the remodeling and add those desired final touch-ups. Sweep, dust, and vacuum any debris. Finishing touches may also include interior design and moving any furniture.

Remodel With Painter Bros

With these steps in mind, your remodeling project should come together well. However, words on a page are far different from the reality of actually completing a remodeling project on your own. That’s why entrusting professionals to these various steps is the best way to safely finish a remodel.

At Painter Bros, we will gladly take this project off your hands. Besides having some of the most skilled painters in the country, we boast a thoroughly experienced team of contractors who can tackle any step of the remodeling process. Call us today (844) 509-2313 and get a free estimate.


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